Bayshore Veterinary Clinic P.C.

Bayshore Veterinary Clinic P.C. is a full-service veterinary medical facility, located in Menominee, MI. The professional and courteous staff at Bayshore Veterinary Clinic P.C. seeks to provide the best possible medical care, surgical care and dental care for their highly-valued patients.

We are committed to promoting responsible pet ownership, preventative health care and health-related educational opportunities for our clients. Bayshore Veterinary Clinic P.C. strives to offer excellence in veterinary care to Menominee and surrounding areas.

Please take a moment to contact us today, to learn more about our veterinary practice and to find out more information about how Bayshore Veterinary Clinic P.C. can serve the needs of you and your cherished pet.
The outside of our veterinary hospital in Menominee, MI
  • 2414 10th Street
  • Menominee,MI 49858
  • Phone: (906) 863-2237
  • Email Us
  • Get Directions
  • Mon, Tues, & Fri: 7:30am - 5pm
  • Wednesday: 7:30am - 6pm
  • Thurs: 9am - 5pm; office only
  • Saturday: 8am - 12pm
  • Sunday: Closed
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    Dr. Kay Monroe

    Practice Owner

    Dr. Monroe is originally from Grand Marais, MI. She currently resides in Menominee with her husband Brian of 30+ years. Together they have three children that they are very proud of:  Colton, Keagan and Piper. She joined the Bayshore team in 2000, and went on the purchase the clinic in 2005. 

    Dr. Monroe's passion is surgery, but as a sole practitioner, she does not have the time to pursue surgery as much as she would like. Now she focuses more on internal medicine and quality of life issues for her geriatric patients.

    Over the years, the Monroe family has had several pets-mostly special needs. Currently, she has 3 dogs and 3 cats living in her house. She has several grand-kitties and grand-lizards.

    When Dr. Monroe is not at the clinic, she is spending time scrapbooking and crafting. She continues to follow her grown kids' endeavors; supporting them in everything they do and she is usually capturing the moments through the lens of her camera. 

    Dr. Monroe is looking forward to slowing down over the next several years. She wants to spend some quality time with her husband that has been so supportive over the years. She wants to have time with her grown children and make unforgetable memories with her grand-babies.           

    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2000
    Michigan State University
  • Debbie

    Veterinary Technician
    Debbie grew up in the Menominee area and graduated from Menominee High School. She originally started working at Bayshore Vet Clinic 44 years ago as a receptionist. Soon the doctors recognized her talent for working directly with animals and she was moved into the position of technician. Throughout the years Debbie has developed her skills through on the job training. Debbie is now our lead surgery technician and assists in all surgeries. Debbie is also in charge of managing our clinic inventory and ordering medications and supplies.

    As a vet tech Debbie has numerous roles during the work day. In the morning she helps the doctor admit patients and prepare them for surgery. After assisting the doctor in surgery she helps recover the patient and make sure they are stable. During the rest of the day she is busy taking patient histories, restraining animals, administering medications, and helping to take radiographs. She has a special interest in patient nutrition and reproductive medicine.

    Debbie lives in the Menominee area with her husband and daughter. She and her daughter share a passion for horses and dog obedience and agility.  Debbie's son and his family also live in the area.

    Debbie and her family share their farm with many animals.

    There are three horses-  Legit is a Quarter horse cross, Cruize is a registered Quarter horse and Risky is a Quarter Horse. Debbie also has Rango, a 5 year old Collie, Eclipse, a 4 year old Belgian Malinois, 4 cats (Jill, Molly, KK and Mouser) and 18 chickens!

    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 1981
  • Becky

    Practice Manager
    Becky grew up in the Stephenson area and is a Stephenson High graduate. As she puts it, she "has lived in God's country, my entire life." Becky knew that a career working with animals would be the perfect fit for her, she worked at 2 other clinics prior to Bayshore, and then she pursued this position in 1994 when she joined Bayshore Veterinary Clinic as a receptionist.

    As Practice Manager, Becky has a variety of duties to ensure the clinic is running smoothly and efficiently. Becky manages client relations, reports, statements, email correspondence, assisting Dr. Monroe (as long as she doesn't have to restrain animals...LOL) and her favorite task is visiting with all of our patients and their owners

    Becky is now a resident of Menominee with her Great Dane Jeff and her cat Spencer.  Becky loves spending time with family and friends (especially her daughter Madison), her faith, gardening, watching the Milwaukee Brewers and Minnesota Wild games. She is also a big fan of true crime and forensic files shows, the old Twilight Zone and Hitchcock shows while staying home and spending time with Jeff and Spencer.
    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 1994
  • Lil

    Lil moved to Menominee with her family from Memphis, MI at the age of 5. She has always enjoyed working with and being around animals.

    She began her career at Bayshore as a kennel assistant. When she was asked if she would be interested in working as a vet tech she jumped at the opportunity. Lil has now been with us at Bayshore since 1999. Lil is now our head cleaning lady. She gets here early in the morning to ensure the clinic is well maintained.

    Lil shares her home and farm with lots of animals-

    Waldo is a Shih-tzu dog.

    Duke and Hazel are Australian shepherds. They are brother and sister. Duke is deaf and partially blind and Hazel watches out for him.

    There is also a whole herd of horses and a flock of sheep.
    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2000
  • Dorothy


    Kennel Crew
    Dorothy has been with the Bayshore Team for 18 years. She is originally from Colorado, but has been in Michigan since 1985! Dorothy loves animals and has been working with animals most of her life. 

    Dorothy helps the Bayshore Team stay clean, sanitized and organized and also helps our patients with their needs before and after surgeries. 

    Dorothy has 5 domestic short hair cats. In her free time, Dorothy enjoys adventures like camping, fishing, boating and sight seeing. 
  • Jaden

    Front Desk
    Jaden grew up and resides in Marinette. She has been with the Bayshore team for 2.5 years as a Receptionist. She owns 29 animals: dogs, cats, ducks, chickens, goats and a bearded dragon...for now. Jaden has been working with animals "pretty much her whole life" because she adores them all! Jaden enjoys the outdoors and loves to go hiking and running or whatever keeps her outside. 
    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2022
  • Mickey

    Kennel Crew
    Lives in Menominee MI. Mickey took an interest and soon came to work here at the Bayshore Vet Clinic little over two years ago. Mickey is one of our cleaners here. He enjoys coming in extra early to help keep our clinic in tip top shape for you and your furry friends.
    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2023
  • Joelle

    Veterinary Technician
    After graduating from college, Joelle went on to work for a humane society in Madison, WI for 11 years. She wanted to be able to do more for the animals medically, so she decided to go back to school to become a certified veterinary technician. She graduated from Madison Area
    Technical College in 2019 and was licensed the following summer. She moved to Marinette and began working at Bayshore in 2021. She is a mother of 4 (cats).
    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2021
  • Brianne

    Veterinary Technician

    I have worked here for just under 6 years. I started as a receptionist in the front of the clinic, and then moved into doing a technician role.

    I have a background in human medical, and then switched over to working with animals.

    I have always enjoyed learning about procedures, etc, and now get to do these things with animals. I love doing training and adventures with my own dogs, and also foster for a German Shepherd rescue. 

    Years in Practice:
    Jan 01, 2019
  • Autumn

    Kennel Crew
    Years in Practice:
    Sep 17, 2024
  • Samantha

    Veterinary Technician
    Years in Practice:
    Sep 17, 2024
  • Carey

    Front Desk
    I have been at the clinic for just under a year and so pleased to be a part of this team. I love all animals and have been an animal foster and rescuer for years. I was always told I should work in a vet clinic, but the opportunity was never there until last year when we moved from Florida to Wallace!. My husband is originally from Door County and after 15 years down in Florida with me and my family, we decided to move up here and spend at least the next 15 years near my husband's family and brought my mom with us...AND WE LOVE IT HERE SO MUCH!!!!

    I currently have 4 dogs: Husky, Lab Mix, Morkiepoo and a Chiweenie. I also have 7 cats including an F5 Savannah. 
    Years in Practice:
    Sep 17, 2024

    Years in Practice:
    Sep 17, 2024